Saturday, June 16, 2018

The Resignation Palava Part 1

Luck smiled again on Temiloluwa after several applications to various companies in search for a new job but she was stuck on what to do. Although she wasn’t unemployed, yet Temiloluwa desired to change her job in pursuit of her passion in Advertising away from customer service.

She had been on the customer service unit of a telecommunication company for two years and has convinced herself that to be a communications expert she needed to be grounded in all aspects of communications which also included PR and Advert.

She therefore started making plans towards securing a place in a PR and Advert company.  She took professional courses in Advert and PR while also applying for jobs on the field.
She was lucky thrice during the course of her work to be offered a position in three reputable companies of which she rejected all. Why was this?

First she was stuck on her present job as her emotions override her choice of self love. She was so loyal to the company that she didn’t know how to announce that she was leaving. She thus continued working with her present company and rejected the job offer.

When the second job offer came, a colleague of hers resigned.  Being a supposedly loyal employee, she had to reject the offer so the company do not feel the gap of having to replace two colleagues in same department at once. By the way, they were just two in the department.

Image result for worried black employees

She waited and carried on with her work effectively and yet again luck smiled for the third time. She was stuck on how to resign properly as the new job requested that she resumed immediately.

So she was stuck on how to resign formally from her present place of work as it requested that she gave three weeks’ notice or forfeit a month’s salary.

She had only a week to make the decision.

She met with her present HR who stated that she must stay for a month before leaving for proper handover.  “How could I stay for a month when this new requires that I resume immediately? This is a job that has more security and offers thrice my present salary.” She thought.

This scenario happens to more job seekers as often times some HR managers do not keep to the resignation clause they put in an employment letter.

They are usually so quick to put in the 3 weeks or a month period of notice for resignation but how many consider giving their prospective new employees the same period of time to allow them formally resign from their place of work?

HR managers should respect this clause and give ample time for their prospective employees to resign before closing the job opportunity on them.

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In addition, employers /HR managers should prepare adequately in case an employee decides to leave the company abruptly. I could remember a case of an HR officer who gave a leaving employee a four page non- disclosure contract to sign after she submitted her resignation letter.  Then I asked, what happened to signing the contract after she accepted your offer of employment? Why does it have to come when she was taking a leave? 

Why stuck an employee with so much work and processes because he/she tendered a resignation letter? These and many abnormalities we must resolve to make the transition process easy for employees.

Any addition to this? Or have you noticed other issues that need to be resolved? Kindly comment below.

Thank you.  

(Are you a job seeker, follow @greatblogging on twitter and facebook; @great_blogging on Instagram for more career tips and job vacancies)

Best of luck!

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